CSIRO Collaboration
Ewamian People started collaborating with the CSIRO in 2017 we were one of 3 groups selected across northern Australia to collaborate and work with the CSIRO on a Land and Water Enterprises Project.
This Project was called the Economic Development Aspirations for Talaroo which aligned with our aspirations for Country and the Ewamian Strategic Plan. We also want to acknowledge our other project team partners including the North Queensland Land Council , National Native Title Council, National Indigenous Australians Agency and the Griffiths University.
The project focussed on five main tasks:
understanding and documenting Indigenous corporation and group values and on-country enterprise aspirations;
undertaking scientific and technical assessments of natural and cultural resource assets in those locations that might support enterprise aspirations;
selecting preferred development pathways; and
co-developing prospectuses to attract investment to those pathways.
develop a ‘how to’ guide to assist other Indigenous groups who want to work through their on-country aspirations, assets, and investment and enterprise opportunities.
Following is a link for a copy of the Prospectus for you to download: